Animal right~Nowadays,it's a very convertral discussion!Now~it's our topic in the class..hehe...it's going interesting, we read many articles by different people with different postions~~SOME people think human have the right to "own" animals! SOMEN people believe that animals should have the same right as human's and people should stop the animal researches!!!ah~~it's really hard for me to chose which side I should be!really! at first I agree with use animals to research, but now I change my mind, I love animals....i think sometimes it's unfair for those animals that were studies buy human researchers.However, to be a human being~I can understand the patients and their families....they want the researches could find the treatments for their dieases~!Morthers don't want to lose their children, sisters don't want to lose their brothers, young chridren don't want to lose their partents..........if u and me in this situation, what will u choose? ur familiy member's life or animal's? It's so hard..........
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