Finally it's down....... During the hole process, I learned a lot, in terms of how to do it and what kind of meterials are requaired in order to write the aspect of it. At first I don't know how to find a reliable sources, after learning from the lab,(first time went to English lab. Acctully I'm very luck. maybe first weekend I did not do too much, because I couldn't find many book about my topic, but the teacher who are work in the library, gave me a lot of help, so I can find many inforation about my topic. Also i get many ideas from my teacher, so I have time for my correction, fix mistake, and also very relax during others hard work time. maybe this is what i need after I went to university. The most important I learn from this is reference list. I will do a lot of papers after I go into universityI think this is the most important skills to use in university.Also I mad a lot of mistakes during this paper. what I willdo is that I will start to read what I write after I finish writing.concedered that grammer mistakes. Overall , I enjoy this process very much , and what I espect is do another research project in this level(kidding).
another one, u must be kidding man
I missed your presentation and was not happy about that because every presentation tough me and gave me a lot of ideas. It just like you read many books. All the presentations are really useful.
I have to ask you to tell me everything about your project.
Another one? You must be kidding in this level we can not have two because we do not have much time anymore, but we will have another and another in university. So we should learn this experiences to prepare for another :)
Actually, I had no idea about basketball before your presentation but your presentation was more than enough to catch my attention. I enjoyed a lot and good job, Honze!!
I saw you had some new posts on your blog. I’m glad you put them on, but we also wanted to see the process of blogging and writing. Writing is a process; it takes time and you can’t do it all in three days. I’m glad you learned a lot of things. Keep writing and learning!
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